Freelance work - Telling the story | News Values | AP
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Freelance work

Individuals who seek to engage in non-AP work are subject to the following restrictions:

• Freelance work must not represent a conflict of interest for either the employee or the AP.

• Such activities may not interfere with the employees' job responsibilities, including availability for newsgathering.

• Such activities may not exploit the name of The Associated Press or the employee's position with the AP without permission of the AP.

• Employees who wish to use material they accumulated in their AP work - notes, stories (either written or broadcast), images, videotape, graphics - for other-than-AP uses must seek written AP approval, copyright clearance and a license to syndicate. This approval must be received prior to submission to any outside publisher, purchaser, organization or broadcaster, or to posting on websites or social networks. Under no circumstances should the AP incur expenses for research material that is not used for AP purposes.