Newsroom platform
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AP Newsroom

Multimedia content anywhere, anytime, on any device

Access all the assets you need surrounding every AP story

Our story-centric delivery platform allows you to easily search, preview and download all your latest AP content, curated by our very own editors. Plus, you'll get access to our schedule of planned and breaking news event coverage. With its mobile-friendly design, AP Newsroom goes wherever you go, so you never miss a beat.

How it works

Find out what AP Newsroom can bring to your workflow

New feature: Coverage Plan

Now you can easily lineup your AP news agenda with our built-in coverage plan giving you the details of our recent and upcoming planned event and breaking news coverage.

Already a customer? Login to to access your AP content.


Range of formats on AP Newsroom dashboard

Access any format

Find multimedia content — including text, photos, audio, print graphics, video and live streams — and easily download all related assets for a story in the file formats you need. You can also copy and paste text directly into your CMS or your favorite word processor. Content surrounding each story is curated directly by AP editors, making it fast and easy to find what you need.

Personalization capabilities on AP Newsroom dashboard

Personalize your experience

Customize your homepage to keep the content that matters most to you at the tip of your fingers, including top news and photos. Follow topics, save your searches, find featured content hubs and set up alerts to keep you up to date with the latest developments on all your stories of interest. 
Coverage Plan dashboard on the AP Newsroom platform

Stay up to date with our coverage plans

Plan ahead with the details of our scheduled and breaking news coverage, updated 24/7 by our global news desk. You can also monitor our regular digests and advisories at any time through the AP Messenger feature. 

We're dedicated to delivering quality content and customized support 24/7.

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